26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.
A trip to the beach is always a healing thing for me. When covered in the worries of life and suffocated by the extreme heat in Las Vegas, we would spirit away to the Oregon coast. There, we would rehydrate, and nourish our souls among the waves and sand.
This weekend, I spent some time at the coast with my daughter's family. We walked along the beach, we laughed, we ran, we enjoyed the salt spray. Much time was spent walking along the shoreline, praying.
One of our family activities is searching for agates. Agates are rocks that have been smoothed by the ocean, and they are clear. You can see through them...they gather the light and refract it, and in their transparency they are beautiful. They glitter on the sand like diamonds.
As I gathered, I thought, oh, how nice it would be if my life were so clear, if I could shine like these lovely agates in the wet sand, as a testimony that my Lord always has me, that He has YOU as well, if you will accept his free gift.
I was searching for clarity--clarity in my life mission, clarity for my next steps. I listened so closely, but I wasn't receiving any shouts from the Lord. At one point, I put some of Layne's ashes out, and I said to God, "You want me to do all these things, but you won't show me how to get them done! How am I supposed to get into churches to tell our story? How am I to publish the book? What parts of my life should be in the book? Are you going to TELL ME?" Then I just got on my knees and I cried...and I moaned, and I let God know I'm broken and I want nothing more than to serve Him. I want to tell others that He has them. But I need for Him to show me that my steps have been ordered BY Him and that I'm on the right path.
Sometimes, we don't have the words. We have great need--a healing, physical or spiritual, a new direction, financial help. And the needs are so great we can't even put them to words. We are lost, and we just need our father to come along and scoop us up, and take care of us.
It is then that the Spirit helps us. HE speaks to the Father for us. HE knows us intimately and can turn our cries, our sobs, into pleas to the Father. And this is why Jesus wanted so much to send Him to us.
Today, spend some time --without words. Reach out to God with those groanings of your soul and let the Spirit do the translation for you. He will bring your requests to the Father, and the Father will refine you, like the ocean refines the agates, into transparent glory that shines out to those who seek.
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